
Terms of service

These Terms of Use, also referred to as the "Agreement," set forth the guidelines for the utilization of our web-based clinic management platform, as well as our websites and the various resources offered thereon, including guides, videos, blogs, and other materials. Together, our platform, websites, and these resources are collectively termed the "Services" or "Website".

Notice to Patients

These Terms do not apply to patient files. For information about your patient file, please contact your practitioner. For information about how your patient information is collected in connection with our clinic management platform, see our Privacy Policy.


Please take a moment to read these Terms carefully before subscribing to or using any of the Services. These Terms are a legal contract between Tadawi Inc. (“Tadawi”or “We”) and each person who uses the Services and are accepted by subscribing to our clinic management platform or by otherwise using our websites and resources. These Terms may be updated or amended from time to time.

In these Terms, we use the word “Subscriber” to refer to anyone (for example, a health clinic or health practitioner) who subscribes to and pays for our clinic management platform. We use the word “you” to refer to any individual user of our Services, such as a practitioner or staff member at a Subscriber’s clinic, or an individual browsing or using our websites and resources.

Intellectual Property

Ownership of the Services. Tadawi owns, or has obtained the rights to use, all intellectual property rights in the Services. This includes the underlying software and technology that operates the Services; all materials and content posted or made available on our website or through the Services, such as our Guide, videos, photos, illustrative graphics, text, research and blog postings; and the trademark, TadawiTM.

License to You. Tadawi grants each Subscriber, and each individual using the Services, a limited license to access and use (i.e., display, print, download) the materials and content within the Services solely on a personal computer or device for the Subscriber’s internal business purposes and for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided that:

You retain and keep intact all copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices (such as © 2022 Tadawi Inc. All Rights Reserved);

  • You do not disseminate or distribute our materials or content publicly;
  • You do not sell or otherwise commercialize our materials or content for your own gain or for the gain of any other person; and
  • You abide by our Acceptable Use Policy below.

Your Feedback and Contributions. We love to receive your feedback about our Services and to include your contributions in our resources where possible. To ensure we have the proper rights to do this, you grant Tadawi a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual and irrevocable right and license to use your feedback and contributions, including incorporating them into the Services and sharing them with other users. Please note that providing feedback or contributions does not make you an author, inventor or contributor of the Services and does not entitle you to any compensation or to any ownership rights in the Services.

Third-Party Services. We may offer integrations with third-party services that you may choose to use with our Services, such as email services, payment processing, patient assessment tools, electronic billing and insurance claims. Please note that your use of such third-party services is governed by the legal terms of those third parties, and not by these Terms of Use. Tadawi is not responsible for those third-party services.

Acceptable Use Policy

Users of our Services are expected to behave responsibly and to show respect for our people, our intellectual property and the law. You agree to communicate with Tadawi team members in a mutually respectful manner at all times.

In addition, you must not:

  • “frame” or “mirror” any content from our Services on any other website or server;
  • post or transmit any material that is unlawful, harmful, defamatory, obscene, profane, discriminating, harassing, threatening, infringing of intellectual property, invasive of privacy rights, or otherwise objectionable;
  • harvest, scrape or otherwise collect information about others from our Services, including names and email addresses;
  • probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Services or any web site, or breach the security or authentication measures of the Services;
  • forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any message or transmittal you send on or through the Services; or
  • pretend that you are, or that you represent, someone else, or impersonate any other individual or entity.

Tadawi reserves the right to suspend or terminate your use of any or all of the Services, or take other appropriate remedial action, to address any inappropriate conduct or any violation or suspected violation of our Acceptable Use Policy or these Terms.


Subscription. You can subscribe to our clinic management platform by signing up for one of our subscription plans and paying the applicable fees. Subscriptions run on a monthly basis. Fees are charged monthly in advance in accordance with the billing information provided by you at the time of subscription. Except as set forth below under Termination, all fees are non-refundable. Subscriptions and fees may be increased to match increases in your platform usage over time. The activation date is considered the start date of the training and the billing date, which obligates the subscriber to complete the payment of fees to Tadawi, regardless of the date of creation of the information and/or any delay in using the account by the subscriber, provided that the activation date does not exceed a period of one month from the date of signing the contract.

Availability of the Services. Once a Subscriber has subscribed and paid, Tadawi will make the Services available to the Subscriber’s users (i.e, practitioners, staff, patients) for the subscription plan purchased. Tadawi will make the Services available in accordance with our Service Level Agreement; however, please note that Tadawi cannot be responsible for any unavailability of the Services caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, such as internet outages or issues with your computer systems or devices.

Limitations. Our websites and resources are provided for general information about Tadawi products and services. They may not always be accurate or complete and are not intended to provide legal advice. We recommend that Subscribers obtain their own guidance and advice with respect to regulatory and legal compliance. Content and resources on our websites may be varied or discontinued from time to time.

Subscriber Accounts

Account Owner. The person signing up for a subscription on behalf of a Subscriber is the “Account Owner” and will be authorized to administer the account for the Subscriber. This includes authorizing additional user accounts for practitioners and staff, and granting and revoking user access rights and permissions. Each Subscriber will have only 1 Account Owner. All questions about a Subscriber’s subscription and its user account(s) should be directed to the Account Owner.

User Accounts. Subscribers and their users must provide accurate, current and complete information when creating their user accounts. Subscribers are responsible for all activities that occur under their user accounts and for any issues, claims or disputes arising out of the conduct of their users. Subscribers must take appropriate steps to protect their user accounts, including:

  • Requiring users to set strong passwords
  • Keeping user ID’s and passwords confidential
  • Not providing any false identity information to access the Services

Tadawi will not be liable for any losses or damages caused by a Subscriber’s failure to maintain the confidentiality of its user accounts and its account credentials. If you discover or suspect any unauthorized access to or use of your Subscriber or user account, please reset your password immediately and notify us at

Subscriber Data

Ownership and Control. Each Subscriber retains ownership and control of its patient data and all information collected, entered, created or otherwise provided by the Subscriber and its users. Subscribers are responsible for ensuring that their collection and use of Subscriber Data complies with applicable laws and regulatory requirements.

Each Subscriber determines:

  • What Subscriber Data to collect;
  • How the Subscriber will use the Subscriber Data;
  • Which practitioners and staff have access to Subscriber Data;
  • How long the Subscriber will store Subscriber Data; and
  • On what basis the Subscriber will delete Subscriber Data.

Storage and Access. Tadawi is a service provider to Subscribers and may be referred to as an “agent”, “business associate” or “processor” of the Subscriber. Tadawi will keep Subscriber Data stored securely as described below under Security. Tadawi will only access Subscriber Data at the request of a Subscriber or its users, or where needed in order to prevent or address technical problems affecting the Services or if required by law, regulation or court order. As we otherwise have no control over Subscriber Data, we are not responsible for incorrect, incomplete, lost or damaged Subscriber Data, except to the extent it is caused by our failure to meet our obligations under these Terms.

HIPAA / GDPR Compliance. If a Subscriber is subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”) or If a Subscriber is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), the terms of our Data Processing Addendum will apply and are incorporated into these Terms.

Questions About Subscriber Data. If you have any questions about your Subscriber Data, please contact your Account Owner. If an Account Owner has any questions about the management of Subscriber Data in the Services, the Account Owner may contact us at

Anonymized/Aggregated Data. Tadawi may use computer-generated algorithms to gather anonymous and aggregated information from Subscriber Data in order to assist in our continued development and improvement of the Services, and for research, data analysis, bench-marking, statistics or trend analysis. We will ensure that none of the information we gather identifies, or could be used to identify, any user or patient. Tadawi may share such anonymized information with Subscribers and others, for example, by providing insights into most common conditions, most popular treatments or bench-marking fees against industry or regional norms. You agree that Tadawi will collect and analyze Subscriber Data and any related information, at the level of aggregated anonymized data, such that the data is completely source anonymized.

The Subscriber acknowledges and agrees to allow Tadawi to use its data for the purpose of improving and developing the service provided to it by Tadawi.


Safeguards. Tadawi will maintain industry-standard administrative, physical and technical safeguards to prevent the unauthorized access, use or disclosure of Subscriber Data processed through or stored in the Services. These safeguards include, but are not limited to, security policies and training for our personnel, access controls, minimum security certifications and practices for our data centers, PCI-compliant payment processors and encryption.

Security Features. The Services also contain features which allow you to further enhance the security of your Subscriber Data. For example, by establishing account access controls for each user; blurring part of your screen so it cannot be read by others around you; and the ability to sign and lock charts to prevent charts from being accidentally overwritten.

Security Breach. Tadawi will notify affected Subscribers if Tadawi determines that the security of the Services has been breached and this results in Subscriber Data being accessed by or disclosed to an individual or entity who is not authorized to access or receive such information. Tadawi will report to the affected Subscriber(s) on the corrective action being taken in response to such security breach and will reasonably cooperate with such Subscriber(s) in mitigating the effects of any lost or compromised Subscriber Data.

Your Responsibility. Subscribers and their users will notify Tadawi immediately if they become aware of any unauthorized use of their account(s), of any user ID and password, or any other known or suspected breach of security.

Data Retention Policy

During Your Subscription Term. Our clinic management platform is designed to retain, protect and preserve the integrity of Subscriber Data in order to assist our Subscribers with their regulatory and compliance obligations around patient records. As a result, we will not delete Subscriber Data during your subscription term, unless there is a regulatory or legal requirement to do so. If you have such a requirement, please have your Account Owner Contact Us.

Data Export. Subscribers may export their Subscriber Data at any time and should do so prior to ceasing or terminating their use of our clinic management platform. Practitioners who change practices may also arrange with their Account Owner for export of their patient data.

After Termination. Tadawi is committed to providing the service for a period not exceeding one month for the benefit of the Subscriber until they renew their subscription. If the Subscriber does not renew their subscription with the company, the company's obligation to preserve the stored information on its cloud service ceases immediately after the passage of a maximum of one month. The Subscriber must retrieve all their data stored on the company's cloud service during this period, with the company bearing no responsibility if the Subscriber exceeds the specified period in this clause.

Account Owners may Contact Us with questions about their Subscriber Data. Please note that, in order to maintain strict security of Subscriber Data, we cannot take instructions from anyone other than the Account Owner.


Overdue Fees. If any fees are more than 30 days overdue, we may, without limiting our other rights and remedies, suspend or terminate access to the Services until the overdue amounts are paid in full. We will provide at least 7 days prior notice that fees are overdue before we do this, and we will not exercise this right if the Subscriber is disputing the applicable fees reasonably and in good faith and is cooperating diligently to resolve the dispute.

Termination by Us. Tadawi may terminate or suspend access to the Services, or suspend or deactivate a Subscriber’s or a user’s account, if the Subscriber or user breaches any obligations under these Terms. Tadawi may also terminate a Subscriber’s subscription if Tadawi discontinues the Services. We will use our best efforts to notify you in advance of any suspension or termination and help Subscriber’s retrieve their Subscriber Data; however, there may be some cases where we need to suspend access immediately in order to prevent harm to others.

Refunds. If a Subscriber terminates its subscription due to a breach by Tadawi or Tadawi discontinues the Services, we will refund any fees you had pre-paid for the remaining unused portion of your subscription term. If Tadawi terminates a Subscriber’s subscription due to a breach by the Subscriber, the Subscriber will not be entitled to any refund and must pay any unpaid fees for the remaining unused portion of the subscription term.

Termination does not relieve a Subscriber of its obligation to pay fees for any period prior to the effective date of termination.

Legal Limits

Disclaimer. We want to provide great Services; however, there are certain things about the Services that we cannot promise. For example,  Tadawi cannot promise, and does not represent or warrant that:

  • The Services will meet your specific needs or requirements;
  • The Services will be uninterrupted, timely, free from errors or other defects; or
  • Information provided through the Services will be accurate, timely, complete or reliable.



No Indirect or Consequential Damages. regardless of the above, neither of us will be liable, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, for any indirect, SPECIAL or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the services, SUCH AS LOST REVENUE or BUSINESS INTERRUPTION. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THIS LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY DEPENDING ON WHERE YOU LIVE.

Notices, Governing Law and Disputes

Notices. Tadawi will provide Subscribers with notices, alerts and communications regarding the Services and these Terms electronically to the email address on file for your Account Owner. Account Owners may update their account information at any time by using their account settings. Any notice you are required or wish to provide to Tadawi may be provided to the contacts shown below under Contact Us.

Governing Law. The Services are provided by Tadawi from its offices in Al Olya, Al Riyadh (KSA). All matters relating to access to and use of the Services will be governed by the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Disputes. In the event of a dispute, we both agree to try settle the dispute through consultation and negotiation in good faith and a spirit of mutual cooperation. We may also agree to use some form of non-binding alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation. If we are unable to resolve the dispute within 60 days after it first arose, we will resolve the dispute by binding arbitration before a single arbitrator with relevant experience. The arbitration will be held in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and will be administered by Saudi Courts.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the Services or these Terms, please contact us at: We will make every effort to answer your questions.

This Privacy Policy describes how personal information is collected, used and stored through use of our clinic management platform and through use of our websites and web-based resources. We refer to our platform, websites and web-based resources as the “Services”.

In this Policy, we use the word “Subscriber” to refer to anyone who has subscribed to and paid for use of our clinic management platform (for example, a health clinic or health practitioner). We use the word “you” to refer to any individual user of our Services, such as a practitioner or staff member of a Subscriber, or an individual browsing or using our websites and web-based resources.

Notice to Patients

If you are a patient of one of our Subscriber clinics or practitioners, your clinic or practitioner controls your patient information, including your contact information, billing details and patient records. Please contact your clinic or practitioner for any questions about your patient information. See the section titled Patient Data below for further information.

Why Tadawi Collects Personal Information

Tadawi collects personal information in order to provide our Services to our Subscribers and their users, to learn about use of our Services (for improvement, accessibility and relevant content), and to provide you with information about our Services, including features and promotions. We collect only the minimum amount of personal information needed for these purposes. We do not sell or trade personal information, and we will only share your personal information with third parties in the ways that are described in this Privacy Policy.

Information Tadawi Collects from You

Contact Information. We collect your contact information, such as your name, email address and organization, when you fill out our online forms or set up your user account for our Services. We use your contact information to activate your user account, give you access to the Services, and to send you notices about your user account. We may also use your contact information for marketing purposes, such as promotional emails, direct mail and sales contacts. You can opt-out of our marketing communications at any time by unsubscribing or contacting us at Please note that Tadawi does not collect or manage the contact information of patients, or any marketing or other communications between a Subscriber and its patients.

Billing Information. When a Subscriber subscribes to our Services, we also collect credit card information to process payment. Credit card information is provided directly to our payment processor and is processed in a PCI-compliant manner. We do not keep your credit card information. Note that when credit card information is referred to as being “stored”, this means we have a “token”. The token replaces sensitive information and acts as a non-sensitive placeholder that can be used by the payment processor to reference your credit card information when payments need to be processed.

Log and Device Information. When you access and browse our Services, we collect information about how you are accessing our Services, such as your internet or mobile network connection, your browser or the type of mobile device you are using (if applicable). We use this log and device information to identify how our Services are being accessed and used so we can optimize them for the types of connections, browsers and devices being used. This information is not used to market or send promotions at an individual user level.

Cookies and Tracking Information. Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small data files that are downloaded to your computer or device by a website. Your web browser lets you manage cookies through its “settings” or “options” menus. You can change your browser settings to display a warning before accepting a cookie or to refuse all cookies. You can also delete cookies at any time; however, please note that certain cookies must remain in order to use certain portions of the Services. We also use web beacons, which are tiny graphic objects embedded in a web page or an email which allows us to determine if a user has viewed the web page or email.

We use cookies and web beacons:

  • To learn about use of our websites, such as user traffic patterns and the effectiveness of our navigational structure
  • To identify email open rates in order to gauge the effectiveness of certain communications or marketing campaigns to clinics
  • To allow you to login to secure areas of our Services
  • To store your login credentials for easy access to our Services

For more information about cookies, see our Cookie Policy.

Social Media. If you login to our Services using a third-party sign-in service, such as Google, Facebook Connect or Twitter, we will receive personal information from those services, such as your name and email address in order to per-populate our online forms. We also include social media “Like” and “Share” buttons on our websites. These features may collect your IP address and the page you are visiting on our website. They may also set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policies of the third parties who provide them.

Legal Basis (GDPR EU/UK)

For personal information that is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we rely on the following legal bases for collecting and using your personal information:

  • Your consent
  • Our legitimate interests (which are not overridden by your privacy rights), such as operating our business, understanding and improving our Services, direct marketing related to our Services, communicating with our Subscribers and users about our Services, events or related resources, improving our websites and protecting our legal rights and interests.

You may withdraw your consent at any time. Where we are using your personal information for our legitimate interests, you have the right to object to that use. See below under Your Rights for how to withdraw consent or object.

If you are a patient of one of our Subscriber clinics, please contact your clinic or practitioner if you have any questions about the legal basis for collecting and using your personal information. Our Subscribers may have a different legal basis for collecting and using a patient’s personal information, such as providing health care or treatments as a regulated healthcare professional.

Patient Data

Patient Data. Subscribers use our clinic management platform to collect personal information from their patients and create patient records. These records may include a patient’s name, address, health insurance and billing information, medical charts, appointment history and other patient data (“Patient Data”). This information is sometimes referred to as “personal health information”, “protected health information”, “data concerning health” or “sensitive data” depending on the location of the Subscribers and the privacy laws applicable to them. If you are a patient, Patient Data is collected from you when you visit your Subscriber clinic or practitioner and when you set up an account with the Subscriber clinic through our online booking website.

Subscriber’s Role. Subscribers retain sole control over Patient Data and may be referred to as a “health information custodian”, a “covered entity” or a “controller” depending on their location and the privacy laws applicable to them.

Subscribers determine:

  • What Patient Data to collect;
  • How the Subscriber will use the Patient Data;
  • Who has access to Patient Data;
  • How long the Subscriber will store Patient Data; and
  • On what basis the Subscriber may delete Patient Data.

Subscribers are responsible for complying with laws and regulations governing the use of Patient Data, and for determining the legal basis for such use.

Tadawi’s Role. Tadawi is a service provider to Subscribers and may be referred to as an “agent”, “business associate” or “processor” of the Subscriber. Tadawi stores Patient Data in its secure data centers and makes it available to Subscribers and their users through our clinic management platform. Tadawi otherwise has no control over Patient Data. Tadawi will only access Patient Data on the instructions of the Subscriber or its practitioners or staff or, in rare cases, where needed in order to prevent or address technical problems or if required by law or court order.

Storage Location. Patient Data is stored in the regional data center in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All our data centers and service providers maintain a high level of security and are compliant with applicable privacy laws.

Patient Rights. Patients have certain rights with respect to their Patient Data, which may include knowing what information your Subscriber clinic has about you, correcting any inaccurate Patient Data, obtaining a record of your Patient Data and, in certain circumstances, deleting or removing your Patient Data. Please note that Subscribers have strict legal and regulatory obligations around Patient Data and may not always be permitted to delete or remove Patient Data.

Questions about Patient Data. If you have any questions about your Patient Data or wish to exercise any or your patient rights, please contact your Subscriber clinic or practitioner. If your Subscriber clinic or practitioner has any questions about the management of Patient Data in the Services, they may contact us and we will support them as needed to respond to your request. Please note that, in order to maintain strict security of your Patient Data, we can only access Patient Data upon instruction from the Subscriber.

Sharing Your Information

We do not sell or distribute personal information to third parties for their own commercial or marketing purposes. We will only share personal information we collect in the following circumstances:

Suppliers and Service Providers. In order to operate our business and provide the Services to our Subscribers and their users, we may need to share a limited amount of personal information, including Patient Data, with our third-party suppliers and service providers. Before sharing personal information, we ensure that the third parties receiving the personal information have provided appropriate safeguards, and that privacy rights are protected and preserved. Some of the areas where we use third-party suppliers and service providers include:

  • Our data centers where all platform data is stored
  • Customer support services to help us collect feedback and manage our support services
  • Communication services to send out email and SMS notices or reminders
  • Payment processors

Corporate Transactions. We may share personal information in connection with negotiating or carrying out a financing or acquisition of our business, a merger or amalgamation with another business, or a sale of all or part of our company assets. Before sharing personal information, we will ensure that appropriate confidentiality and non-disclosure undertakings are in place. We will not share Patient Data in these circumstances.

Compliance with Laws. We may disclose personal information to a third party if we are required to do so by applicable law, government request, court order or regulatory body. We may also be required to disclose personal information to enforce our legal rights, to enforce security requirements, or to respond to an emergency which we believe, in good faith, requires us to disclose personal information. In such instances, if permissible, we will make every reasonable effort to give you as much notice as possible regarding the disclosure of your personal information, what information was disclosed and why. We will not disclose Patient Data unless legally required to do so.

Anonymized/Aggregated Data. Tadawi may use computer-generated algorithms to gather anonymous and aggregated information from our Subscribers and their Patient Data in order to assist in our continued development and improvement of the Services, and for research, data analysis, bench-marking, statistics or trend analysis. We will ensure that none of the information we gather identifies, or could be used to identify, any user or patient. Tadawi may share such anonymized information with Subscribers and others, for example, by providing insights into most common conditions, most popular treatments or bench-marking fees against industry or regional norms.


We protect your personal information, including Patient Data stored in our platform, by:

  • Using industry standard security controls such an encryption and an SSL (Secured Sockets Layers) certificate to ensure information is transmitted over a secured connection between your browser and our web server.
  • Using state-of-the-art data centers with appropriate security and compliance certifications, such SOC 2 and EU-US Privacy Shield that are HIPAA compliant.
  • Having our personnel sign strict confidentiality agreements to ensure they understand the confidential nature of the data we process, and only accessing your account when you request assistance from us.
  • Requiring password protection of your user account with a password set by you. We cannot access or identify your password. The only way to recover a password is for you to initiate a reset via the email address or mobile phone number you use for the Services.

While we employ industry standard measures to protect your information, no electronic communication can ever be completely secure. You share responsibility for protection of your personal information by setting a strong password and by keeping your username and password confidential.

Storage Period

We retain personal information only for as long as necessary to achieve our stated purposes, or as required by applicable law. For example, Contact and Billing information is kept for as long as a Subscriber account is active and for a reasonable period after it has been deactivated in the event you or your Subscriber wish to re-activate the account. User account information may also be retained as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes or maintain our relationship with your Subscriber organization. Credit card information is never kept or stored by us.

If you are a patient of one of our Subscriber clinics, please contact your clinic or practitioner for information regarding the storage period for your Patient Data.

Your Rights

Individuals have certain rights with respect to their personal information. These rights are set out below. If you are a patient of one of our Subscriber clinics, please contact your clinic or practitioner to exercise any of these rights with respect to your Patient Data.

Correction and Deletion. We will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the personal information we collect from you is accurate and complete. You may update, correct or delete your account information at any time by logging into your user account and modifying your personal information, including your preferences to receive messages from us. You may also update, correct or delete your personal information by contacting us as noted below.

Withdrawing Consent. Where we have relied on your consent to use your personal information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time by contacting us as noted below. In addition, all our marketing email messages contain the ability to automatically “opt-out” or unsubscribe from our mailing lists and marketing messages.

Access and Portability. You have the right to request a record of the personal information that we have collected about you and to ask that the information be provided in a structured, used electronic format (where applicable and technically feasible). There may be some cases where we cannot provide you with certain information about you if it would mean disclosure of personal information of another person or other confidential information, or if it would compromise our security systems. If you require access to your personal information, please Contact Us. We will respond to you within thirty (30) days of receiving your request. We may charge a fee where permitted by applicable law.

Restriction and Objection. In certain limited circumstances, individuals in the KSA may request that we restrict our use of their personal information and, where we rely on legitimate interests as the legal basis for using your personal information, you have the right to object to such use. In these cases, we can be required to no longer use your personal information; however, this may mean that certain components of our Services cannot be made available to you. If you wish to exercise your right to restrict or object, please Contact Us.

Complaints. You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (i.e., the independent public authority responsible for monitoring data protection laws in your country).

Website may use cookies to personalize and facilitate maximum navigation of the User by this site. The User may configure his / her browser to notify and reject the installation of the cookies sent by us.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small data files that are downloaded to your computer or device by a website. They are commonly used by professional websites to track overall website usage, determine your browsing preferences and improve and customize your user experience.

Cookies may be session-based or persistent. Session-based cookies exist only during one session and disappear from your computer or device when you close your browser or turn off your computer or device. Persistent cookies remain on your computer or device for a certain period after you close your browser or turn off your computer or device. Most persistent cookies expire within 6 months to 2 years.

Cookies We Use and Why We Use Them

When you visit our websites or access our online services, we, or an authorized third party, may place a cookie on your browser which collects information about your online activities over time and across different websites. The types of cookies we use and why we use them is described below. Please note that cookies are dynamic and change frequently and, therefore, the exact cookies in use at any given time may vary slightly from those listed in the tables below; however, the purpose of the cookies remains the same.

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are necessary for our websites to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. We use these cookies to allow you to login to secure areas of our websites and use our services. Once logged in, we may place a cookie on your browser to identify you in order to process your requests and expire your session after a period of inactivity. These cookies are also used to test whether or not your browser has cookies enabled, and to apply security settings when you access our websites.

Cookie Name Purpose Duration
Session _session An encrypted token used to identify when a user is logged-in and to expire their session automatically 1 year
Cookies Enabled cookies_enabled Records that your browser is capable of storing cookies 1 year
Tadawi Device tadawi_device Identifies your browser and device so that you can be signed in on multiple devices simultaneously 1 year
Current Location current_location_id Records which clinic location you last viewed so the same location will be loaded on your next visit 1 year

Performance Cookies

These cookies count website visits and track pages visited and traffic sources. We use these cookies to measure and improve the performance of our websites and understand which web pages are popular. If you do not allow these cookies, we will be less able to optimize our websites performance. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and anonymous.

Cookie Name Purpose Duration
Google Analytics _ga Distinguishes users 2 years
gat_UA_XXXXXX Determines performance and throttles the request rate 1 minute
_utma Distinguishes users and sessions 2 years
_utmt Throttles the request rate 10 minutes
_utmb Determines new sessions/visits 30 minutes
_utmc Determines whether user was in a new session/visit Session
_utmz Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached our site 6 months
_utmv Stores visitor-level custom variable data 2 years
Fullstory rs_uid Tracks a user session across multiple pages on a single website 30 minutes

Targeting Cookies

These cookies are used by third-party companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant advertisements on other sites. Targeted ads may be displayed to you based on your visits to our websites. If you do not allow these cookies, you will experience less targeted advertising. These cookies do not directly store personal information, but can uniquely identify information such as your browser and device.

Cookie Name Purpose Duration
Facebook _fbp Used for tracking effectiveness of Tadawi’s online advertising on Facebook 1 year

How to Change Your Cookies Settings

Most web browsers allow some control over cookies through the browser settings. You can instruct your browser, by changing its options, to stop accepting cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie from websites you visit. Your browser also provides you the option to delete the cookies from your computer or device at any time. Please be aware that if cookies are disabled, not all features of the websites or services may operate as intended.

To find out more about cookies and how to set cookie preferences in your browser, visit or